The Baby Boomer Dilemma is a pressing economic problem that needs to be addressed. Many older workers find themselves in the dilemma of either being able to retire early or trying to find ways to earn more income. Our services enable boomers to earn more money and enjoy their retirement sooner.
The biggest financial challenge facing Baby Boomers today is their retirement. Many in this age group have been saving for decades, but the stock market crash of 2008 and the weak recovery have meant that many need to rethink how they invest their money.
Boomers live longer but still want to cover their living expenses. Learn how you can earn more income.
Baby boomers over the age of 50 have a wealth of experience to offer in the form of services, and selling their knowledge can be an excellent way for them to earn extra income. Accounts, mechanics, writers, illustrators, financial advisors, tax experts, coaches, and human resources are all great ways for retirees to make money. Whether you’re looking to teach a class or consult on various projects, there are numerous opportunities where boomers can use their expertise to make a positive difference while also earning some extra cash.

What Do We Do for “Baby Boomers?
We help you achieve your goal of making money while sharing your years of experience!
We enable you to earn money in your jammies by monetizing your experience of having survived and thrived [hopefully] through the 50s, 60s, and beyond.
What’s this include?
- You write your eBook in Word & email it to us. [We can help!]
- We review and call you to discuss your vision.
- We create your website.
- We create your eBook in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. This enables you to sell it to your clients as an immediate download.
- We insert your unique PayPal “Buy Now” button so you can start earning cash!
- We advise you on how to reach your audience.
- We do not pay for your WordPress Website Theme. Budget $20 – $85 one-time.
- We do not pay for your domain. You get yours at GoDaddy & email their welcome message to us. Budget $15/year.
- We do not pay for website hosting. Use Hostgator. Budget $10/month.
- We do not pay for any custom images for your website. Budget one-time free to $200 depending on your needs.
- Your Investment with us? $1000.
- $500 downpayment.
- The remaining $500 when you’re happy with our work.
- NOTE: We are happy to help you with buying your domain, website hosting and images.