“Baby Boomers are extremely active. There’s no way we’re going to wait for God to tap us on the shoulder. We’ll spend every cent trying to outrun him/her/it.”
Boomer! You looking for a JOB? No need. Monetize your decades of experience. And do it in your jammies.
The Health industry is going to be on fire! If you’re a millennial, look no further.
The Boomers will see to it. We’re living longer, and longer, and longer!
But if you expect Baby Boomers to pass our wealth down to you, as they say, “Fahgeddaboutit!”

Health and “social assistance will lead the way in job growth.
What’s that really mean? Changing adult wipes. Giving baths. More Medicare government outlays of dollars.
Health care for the aged and disabled is estimated to experience the most significant job growth in coming years. . [Personally, I prefer to focus on my health and earn from home rather than empty bed pans!]
Business futurist Morris Misel said, “The reality is we’re an aging society. And we’re a baby boomer aging society that will age disgracefully.”
“By that, I mean our ancestors viewed aging as a diminishing thing where you needed less and demanded less of everything; you waited for God to tap you on the shoulder, and you were passive.”
“But baby boomers are extremely active. There’s no way we will wait for God to tap us on the shoulder. We will spend every cent trying to outrun him/her/it.”
Baby Boomers will have to return to the workforce. Inflation, the destruction of the stock market, and increased healthcare and transportation costs… is crushing Boomers. We’ve little choice.
The fix for Baby Boomers?
You invested decades increasing your knowledge and developing current skill sets.
It’s your time to monetize these assets.
Start a side hustle. Creating your brand and monetizing your years has never been easier.
The tools and platforms are here. Boomers simply need to put these tools to work.
We have a comprehensive list of solutions, many are free, that Baby Boomers can employ to earn MONEY by packaging and monetizing their years of experience.
You’re a retired teacher, doctor, hospitality expert, CPA, accountant, SMB, consultant, bookkeeper, coach, translator, editor, writer, florist, blacksmith, or coal miner … [You get the picture!] Pick your poison and start today.
There’s never been a better time to learn new skills and earn cash showing youngsters their path.
You have skills you can carry over to a new field. Don’t underestimate them!
The best thing about the opportunities for increasing your income today? Boomers can achieve it in their jammies! From anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.
And if you’d prefer a little help, reach out! Contact Us.
What do we do? We enable Boomers to earn cash by selling their knowledge and skills.
Explore a few of the “tools” we recommend here: